
Hi! My name is Beata. I'm originally from Slovakia, but I've been calling Ireland my home for over a decade.

I love to knit, it's my favourite past time. If I'm sitting, I'm knitting. I knit a lot! My yarns are bright, cheerful and vibrant and I make colours that I love.

Soon after I took up knitting, I realised I really wanted to create my own yarn line of soft, squishy yarns in beautiful colours. It's the colours I want to knit with, the colours I want to wear and the colours I can't live without.

Hedgehog Fibres was founded in 2008 and the name came from my surname - Jezek means hedgehog in Slovakian. My colours reflect my personal style and range from dark, rich and earthy to crazy, fluorescent and vibrant depending on what I'm into at the moment.

I love my dog babies and I work with our local dog shelter as a foster home. My boyfriend and I have fostered over 15 dogs in the last couple of years, all of which have found wonderful permanent homes. I often share photos my weird pack of pets and our foster doggies on my Instagram.


  1. Wanted to buy some yarn but almost everything is sold out!!!! :(
    I'm not near any retailers here in the States... Live in Connecticut.
    Is there a time when everything is in stock?!?!

    1. Hi there, we have over 120 retailers worldwide, if you aren't near any, there are plenty with online stores - these are linked as 'webstore' on our retailer list http://shop.hedgehogfibres.com/retailers Happy hunting!

  2. I went to the website hedgehogfibres.com and there were No Products in the Yarn tab. Do you sell yarn at this site?

    1. Hi Debra,

      all our yarn is sold out at the present time. If you'd like to subscribe to the newsletter, we send out shop update email notifications. The yarns tend to go fast though! Alternatively, please visit our retailers, the full list is on the website.
